• We are not currently accepting new patients.

    We normally only accept new patients through self-pay.

    Rather than letting the health insurance companies dictate your care through an algorithm, we are able to work with you in a more effective and personalized way.

    What does that mean?

    We’ve got the time!

    Our office make sure to set aside plenty of time for appointments, at least 30 minutes for Integrative Chiropractic, giving them the chance to really understand what's going on with you and tailor your treatment accordingly.

    And hey, if you're not into those big, forceful adjustments, we've got gentle options too. We're not about pushing the weekly adjustments forever; we see chiropractic care as just one part of your overall wellness. Every visit is different, mixing in techniques like soft tissue work, stretching, exercises, and whatever else you need to feel your best.

    All sessions will be one on one with the provider. We’ll never pass you off to an assistant or tech.

    Your treatment plan will be designed by your provider based on what’s best for you and your goals, not just what your insurance will cover.

    You’ll know exactly how much your care will cost from Day 1. No weekly co-pays or unexpected bills in the mail.

  • Yes. Your sessions at Swell n’ Good will count towards your out of network deductible, and our services are covered by some insurance plans after your deductible has been met. We’ll provide you with superbills upon request to streamline the process for you and help you to get reimbursed!

  • Yes, you can use HSA/FSA funds, but it's always a good idea to double-check the regulations of your specific plan to ensure eligibility.

  • Yes, chiropractic during pregnancy is safe. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association. A complete health history and exam will be performed and a customized treatment plan will be set for your specific pregnancy. Not only is chiropractic during pregnancy safe, it can help ease common discomforts, decrease labor time and decrease the need for interventions during delivery.

  • Shoes and clothes you can move in. Sweats, leggings, shorts, and athletic shoes are ideal, but if you’re coming from work, don’t sweat, we can work around any outfit restrictions.